Saturday, October 27, 2012

Oregon's Elk Viewing via Horse-Drawn Wagon

With the change in the weather it's pretty clear that winter is just around the corner. Susan and I, along with Waylan and Jed (the draft horse team) are looking forward to a great elk-viewing season.  So to wet your whistle, here is the news release to put you in the jiggle bell mood:

PS: New Tip for the Ride will be out shortly.  Thanks to all you for watching and giving us such positive feedback.  I am glad these little videos are helping build your relationships even deeper between horse and rider.  ~ Alice  

Current Date:  October 27, 2012
Contacts:  T&T Wildlife Tours        
Alice Trindle or  Susan Triplett 
(541) 856-3356 or  (541) 519-7234                                                  
North Powder, Oregon…It has become a tradition out East to eagerly look forward to the winter season for family fun.  A time to get out and play in Oregon’s driest powder snow on skis, snowboards, snowshoes, or snowmobiles.  Eastern Oregon is a place to bundle up to try your hand a catching a winter steelhead.  It is also a tradition to visit the Elkhorn Wildlife Area near North Powder for ride on Oregon’s only elk viewing excursion via horse-drawn wagon into about 150 head of wild, Rocky Mt. elk.

For the past 22 years, T&T Wildlife Tours have been attracting people from all over the world to see these magnificent elk, and ride with Waylan and Jed, the team of Percheron draft horses.  Located near the little town of North Powder, and not far from Baker City or La Grande, visitors can get to within five feet of over 150 head.  The narrative provided by owners Alice Trindle and Susan Triplett help to bring the full picture of why the elk are being fed, colored with some pretty incredible stories that have been gathered over the past 22 years.  Triplett commented, “While most people come to see the elk and other frequent wildlife visitors to the site, the other truly rare attraction are Waylan and Jed.”  She continued, “It is rare in today’s mechanized, fast-paced world, that you get to slow down and pet a 2000 lb. draft horse on his big ‘ol soft nose!” 

The horse-drawn wagon, which is equipped with a wheelchair lift, takes people through a winter wonderland, located at the base of the Elkhorn Mountain range in northeastern Oregon.  Other common wildlife to the site include wild turkeys, many raptors such as Red Tail and Rough-legged hawks, and bald eagles. coyotes, fox, and bobcats. 

The tours will begin December 15, 2012 and run weekends through the March 3, 2013.  Special holiday tour dates are scheduled for Christmas Eve, December 24, 2012 and New Years Eve, December 31, 2012.  Ring in the New Year on  January 1, 2013 with a horse-drawn wagon ride!  Call  541-856-3356 or the Union County Chamber office at 1-800-848-9969 or Baker County Visitor Information at 1-800-523-1235.  (Photos available in jpeg format.)

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