Saturday, November 22, 2014

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I am certainly drawn to reflect on all the wonderful friends, horses, and environments for which I am so grateful. I am truly blessed and hope that each of you know just how fortunate I feel to have you in my life.

Horse Study Sophomores Marilyn & Patti
I am trying to get caught-up on my Tip for the Ride videos, but we are still having some trouble with the video equipment. My producer/videotographer/editor in chief...Susan, is working on it, and hopefully you will start seeing new installments in December.

Certainly we are looking to the new year already, and invite you to take a look at the offerings by clicking HERE for the current newsletter. We are very excited to offer one final opportunity to join the four-year commitment to truly study the horse, and ultimately to develop a true bridle horse in lightness. In 2014 we started 'Horse Study' with 11 brave women participating.
The results of dedicating ourselves to studying the bio-mechanics of how the horse moves, combined with observing 'balance', helped everyone go deeper in their relationship with the horse.

We have openings for only six (6) more people to join this journey to graduate in 2019. Check it out and call us to chat about how we can accommodate you into this experience of a lifetime. It will change your life!

Horse Study is not for everyone, so we will certainly still have a full line-up of riding opportunities, from private lesson series in Emmett, Idaho to the always popular cows and mountains clinics. Here is the tentative schedule. If you don't see something made just for us, and let's talk about how you can host a clinic in your area.

So for now...Let's close with ...
We have so much for which to be thankful.

Alice and Susan

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